Do you sometimes wonder why the 24 hours allotted to you each day are seemingly not enough to do all the things that you need to do? Even with modern time management gadgets like hand-held computers, personal organizers and digitized pocket diaries, why do time management issues still persist? Clinging to old habits and the difficulty of breaking them are the common causes of time traps that lessen productivity whether you’re a lawyer, teacher, farmer, business owner Read More >
How to Outsource Your Daily Tasks to Save Time and Money
How often do you hear someone say that if they could do things over, they'd spend more time picking up their dry cleaning? It's a rhetorical question of course, but think about it: Do errands that need to get done require time off from work, or worse, prevent you from spending your precious time with those you love? In years to come, will your family have fond memories of the time you spent on Costco runs without them? I'm pretty sure your family's best Read More >
Personal Concierge Services for Busy Professionals
If you're working both harder and longer these days, you are not alone. Employers aren't replacing laid-off workers; they are just asking their remaining employees to do more instead. Of course the employees accept -- it's the American way, and besides, everyone wants to stay valuable enough to survive the next round of layoffs. These hours cost employees dearly over the long term. Researchers say that Americans get on average 60 to 90 minutes less sleep than they Read More >
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