
The Fine Art of Work-Life Balance

IMG_6936Balancing a healthy, enriching lifestyle with the pressures of the workplace is typically a topic on the minds of many people. An ambitious lifestyle is associated with success in our society, and it is not uncommon to feel peer pressure to accomplish a great deal in a short amount of time.

Sticking to a strict schedule for work, family, play and exercise is one way to keep up with the pressures of everyday life. However, there are many variables and life changes that cannot be predicted, so a detailed schedule may fail when life gets messy or a new project demands your attention. In most cases, the enriching parts of life are dropped in order to pursue more pressing projects. This can quickly lead to burnout and dissatisfaction.

How can you carve out your days, weeks and months to ensure that you have time to do the things that you love? The answer may be to look at the big picture rather than focusing on a daily schedule. There may be times when some areas of your life require more of your attention; meeting that need is necessary, but so is getting back to a place where soul-recharging activities and relationships take the focus.

Rather than strictly adhering to a schedule, you can choose to ebb and flow with the tide of life; gracefully adapting to natural changes. This organic approach may be more sustainable and meaningful in the long run, as you will no longer cope with the conflict of rigid daily accomplishment and guilt about unfinished tasks. You may feel a new sense of freedom and relaxation even as you continue a busy – but less restrictive – daily routine.

At the same time, there is likely no part of your life that can be neglected or dropped for any period of time, and it would likely not behoove you to do so. All parts of life come together to create a whole that builds meaning, purpose and contentment. Even difficult times contribute to the work-life balance, as they make the good times all the sweeter and create a life that is worth living.

It can be a delicate balance, especially if your life choices have taken you down a variety of paths and have resulted in many obligations. If you feel overwhelmed, it may be time to take a close look at your priorities and your needs for a meaningful life; looking beyond the monetary rewards of business success can identify your life goals in a creative new light.